I am honored to be joining a crew of men from Fountain City Wesleyan Church traveling to Haiti, for the purpose of replacing the roof on a church in the village of St. Charles, Haiti. We will be travelling to Haiti on November 9th and will be there through the 16th.
Earlier this year Ron Ayers and I took the incredible trek up the steep terrain east of Jeremie to fix the roof. What we found was a sagging roof due to lumber that was infested with wood-boring bees. We were told that the Haitian that contracted the work took the money and ran. So, with the time and resources we had, we propped the roof up until a team could come and replace it.
Resources are so incredibly hard to come by in Haiti, and that is even more complicated by the lack of funds and skilled workers. Leading this team will be Scott Warner and myself, and with your help, we will raise a new roof on the church. We are looking for both PRAYER partners and FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS.
Currently, we are submitting an application to Christ For the Nations International to help with funding of the materials needed to finish the job. CFNI is an organization out of Dallas TX, that has a program to partner with other ministries to offer financial support for roofing materials. However, the total cost of travel, food, and housing for the trip will be around $2000.
What I’m asking you to do is to PRAY about it first! We are needing prayer partners, as well as financial partners to help with the cost.
If you feel God is leading you to help, just follow the instructions below!
Thanks for praying!!
If you decide to be one of my prayer partners, contact me and let me know so we can keep in touch. If you choose to help financially, you can make checks to Fountain City Wesleyan Church, and mark the memo “Haiti-NOV” and return it to me. You can also give online at: www.fcwesleyan.org
God BLess you and Thank You!
Steve Mathews
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