I'm excited to announce the Bogota Colombia trip for 2009. I am deeply honored to get to lead this years team. There will be a series of posts for you to read and pray through with us, as we prepare our hearts, minds and bodies to go. I was reading in Joshua this morning and thought of our team and where we are in the preparation process. We are currently in the fund-raising phase. We all need to raise $1500 in order to pay air-fare as well as cover other costs while we are there. The mission will be a continuation of our 2007 trip. You can still see some of that team's time on this blog, as I've not taken them down. The images of the children and our friends that we made in 07 are an inspiration and reminder to pray for them as we prepare to go. You'll get to know some of the team, as I plan to post some pictures and introduce the team on this blog. It's going to be an exciting trip to see how God uses us to be His hands and feet.
The scripture I ran across is found in Joshua 1:16. "We will do whatever you command us, and we will go wherever you send us."
There are several images that are painted through this section of scripture. But, I'd like to focus on Joshua's task, it was gigantic. It was a behemoth of a task! He was to lead a nation into a land that they didn't know, but God had promised centuries earlier to their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses their leader over the last 40 years was now dead. Now, it's Joshua's time to lead. I particularly love God's admonition to Joshua. He first tells him, "Be strong and courageous, for you are the one..." (Josh. 1:6) God had called him and he was God's man for the job. Next, He told him, "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey..." God had laid out His plan for them through Moses. The admonition is to do the plan, God's plan. The third admonition sounds like the first two. "Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!
If you are a team member reading this, you need to "BE STRONG and COURAGEOUS! It is easy to get caught up in the frustration of trying to raise funds and prayer partners and the fear of the unknown starts to creep in. I firmly believe God has called and set apart each and every person that has felt the call to go. He's also calling those whom will support us through prayer and finances. God calls us to trust Him. It's His mission! It's about Him.
So, if you happen upon this, and you are not a team member,first of all pray for us! We need your prayers! We also need the funds to do this mission. We need the faith to press on; to be strong and courageous. God has a mighty plan. Pray that we adjust to Him, and that He will receive all honor and praise!
The pic on your masthead is beautiful. Is that in Montana?
Yes! I love that shot! It was the last day Linda and I were there, and the inversion lifted and it was gorgeous! Thanks by the way! God's art!
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